That quick moment

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1.Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.  2.In the UK , it is illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas Day! 3.Paterno p...

Do you know Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water. Here are some random amazing facts for you

1.Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.
2.In the UK, it is illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas Day!
3.Paterno phobia is the fear of being tickled by feathers!

4.When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red.
5.A flock of crows is known as a murder.
6.“Facebook Addiction Disorder" is a mental disorder identified by Psychologists.
7.The average woman uses her height in lipstick every 5 years.
8.29th May is officially “Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day."
9.Cherophobia is the fear of fun.
10.Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.

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A boy met a girl in Metro.... Girl: Every time you smile, I feel like inviting you to my place. Boy: Awwww........Are you single? Girl: No, ...


A boy met a girl in Metro....

Girl: Every time you smile, I feel like inviting you to my place.

Boy: Awwww........Are you single?

Girl: No, I am a Dentist.😂😂😂😂😂😜

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So true

0 coment�rios:

Pity cat...

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0 coment�rios:

Q: Why did the boy have his girlfriend put in jail? A: She stole his heart. Q: How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend? A: He gave h...


Q: Why did the boy have his girlfriend put in jail?
A: She stole his heart.
Q: How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend?
A: He gave her a ring.
Q: Why did the boy put candy under his pillow?
A: Because he wanted sweet dreams.
Q. What did one volcano say to the other?
A. I lava you.
Q: What did the octopus say to his girlfriend when he proposed?
A: Can I have your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand in marriage?

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Reader Mode: This is one among the features that safari of ios has which allows you to read the subject in the web page without any kind of ...

Enable reader mode in Chrome

Reader Mode:
This is one among the features that safari of ios has which allows you to read the subject in the web page without any kind of disturbances like ads and any non-essential elements. Enable this by going to the link

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Stop WhatsApp images appearing in the Gallery Whatsapp Messenger If your friends send you  stupid pictures on WhatsApp, and you don't wa...

Stop WhatsApp images appearing in the Gallery

Stop WhatsApp images appearing in the Gallery

Whatsapp Messenger
If your friends send you  stupid pictures on WhatsApp, and you don't want them mixed in with all your amazing photos, it is possible to keep WhatsApp images separate so they don't appear in your Gallery
  • Open any file explorer (recommended ES File Explorer)
  • Navigate to sdcard/WhatsApp/Media
  • Enter the folder you don't want shared (in this case, WhatsApp Images)
  • Tap the plus button at the bottom of the screen and select file option
  • Name the new file as .nomedia
  • Now open the Gallery . The annoying Whatsapp images will stop showing in the Gallery
  • If you want the Whatsapp images reappear in your Gallery,Thendelete the previously created file " .nomedia "

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We all know the superstar, the Thalaiva,our kabali, an inspiration to millions but there are many a things about Rajni that we don’t know as...

Few facts about our kabali rajinikanth that you might not have known.

We all know the superstar, the Thalaiva,our kabali, an inspiration to millions but there are many a things about Rajni that we don’t know as his inclination towards philanthropy and his impoverished past, here are a few facts about the kabali that you might not have known.

1. Rajinikanth  full name is Shivaji Rao Gaikwad.

2.He has starred in a Bengali film called Bhagya Debata.

3.He is the highest paid actor in Asia after Jackie Chan.
rajnikant in note

4.Everyone knows that Rajinikanth has worked in Hindi cinemas but the actor that he did most films is noted director and actor Rakesh Roshan. The picture below features Rajni, Rakesh and a young Hrithik Roshan.

5.His co-worker and friend Raj Bahadur motivated and supported him to pursue film school.
friend Raj Bahadur motivated

6.Though he’s a Tamil superstar, he was born in a Maharashtrian family.

7.The directors of his films are afraid to kill him on screen as it might cause riots.
might cause riots

8.Though he’s the favorite actor of millions, his favorite actor is Kamal Haasan.

9. Rajinikanth is yet to win a National Award, though he has a plethora of state awards and a 
Padma Bhushan in his bag of trophies.

10. Rajinikanth is the only Indian actor to be featured in the CBSE syllabus.
cbse cyllabus

We again witnessed the power of rajini,with kabali
heros may have many fans but all the heros are fans of our kabali rajinikanth....

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Take 3D photos On your iPhone Fyuse App Fyuse-3D Photos  With this app take 3D photos on your smartphone By moving around the object you wis...

3D photos on your Phone

Take 3D photos On your iPhone

Fyuse App

Fyuse-3D Photos 

With this app take 3D photos on your smartphone
By moving around the object you wish to capture in 3D just move around the object while capturing the oject

Download from App Store

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Barack Obama came to public attention through the power of his oratory, and then won the presidency on the back of its soaring, uplifting, o...

Obama's poetry called into action one last time

Barack Obama came to public attention through the power of his oratory, and then won the presidency on the back of its soaring, uplifting, optimistic cadences.  He called it into action again, after eight years as the nation's preacher in chief where his ability to persuade a nation and articulate its public and hidden feelings has often been stretched to the limit but rarely found wanting.  His speech to the Democratic Convention wasn't just about supporting the woman he wants to be his successor, or damning, with his customary crisp, light yet lethally wielded authority, her opponent.  It was also about ensuring the longevity of his own legacy.  It was about whether the presidency stays in the hands of someone with intellectual rigour, passion and nuance, or whether it passes to the vulgarian instincts of a self-regarding demagogue.

It was a tremendous speech, a reminder of what it's like to be governed in poetry.  And in defending the character of Hillary Clinton, a woman who has been active in front-line politics for over thirty years, he also called in support the impressive verbal artillery of one of his illustrious Republican predecessors.  Teddy Roosevelt was the man who first referred to the presidency as the "bully pulpit", and he was no mean user of it.  He had no time for the critics who sniped from the sidelines, preferring the endeavours of the person who clambered into the arena to do something, and while yes, this embraces both good and bad, it is nonetheless an invocation to do more than simply carp.  The passage that President Obama referred to is here:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Roosevelt was addressing the issue of "Citizenship in a Republic", speaking at the time to an audience at the Sorbonne in Paris.  As our own democracies and republics face ever greater threats, and as our political class comes under more cynicism and pressure the time is certainly here for more people to actually get into the arena, for there they will not just act for the ideals they hold but perhaps also understand that there is no easy path to any political goal, no matter how virtuous.  That compromise and shortcoming and erring is part of the process.

Obama called many ideas and people into action in his speech, including the very founding fathers who declared their independence at Philadelphia in 1776.  His speech - worth watching in its entirety - was a reminder not just of how far the republic has come, but also of how easily it might fall back into the mendacious hands of an arrogant authoritarian.  It was a terrific call to arms. 

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Create GIF Images in iPhone FaceParty Every second is a new chance to party, especially when you can shoot four killer video/GIFs, collage t...

Create GIF Images

Create GIF Images in iPhone


Every second is a new chance to party, especially when you can shoot four killer video/GIFs, collage them, and share your genius with the universe.

That’s where the FaceParty photo/video booth comes in. Use it to make videos/GIFs of super important things like side-eye selfies or your morning bus ride or that raccoon who kind of looks like your dad.

Take four shots, send them to your people, instant party. Or grab your people, FaceParty together, be a legend.

When you’re ready to go, share on everything—text, email, Instagram, Facebook, FB Messenger, Twitter, Tumblr, Vine, Whatsapp, Pinterest, iMessage and more.

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Dreams  are successions of  images ,  ideas ,  emotions , and  sensations  that occur usually involuntarily in the  mind  during certain sta...

20 amazing facts about dreams that you might have never heard about.

Dreams are successions of imagesideasemotions, and sensations that occur usually involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.The content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood, though they have been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical and religious interest, throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology.
Here are 20 amazing facts about dreams that you might have never heard about.

1.You can’t read while dreaming, or tell the time

If you are unsure whether you are dreaming or not, try reading something. The vast majority of people are incapable of reading in their dreams. The same goes for clocks: each time you look at a clock it will tell a different time and the hands on the clock won’t appear to be moving as reported by lucid dreamers. 
2.Lucid dreaming 

There is a whole subculture of people practicing what is called lucid or conscious dreaming. Using various techniques, these people have supposedly learned to assume control of their dreams and do amazing things like flying, passing through walls, and traveling to different dimensions or even back in time.

3.Inventions inspired by dreams

Dreams are responsible for many of the greatest inventions of mankind. A few examples include:
  • The idea for Google -Larry Page
  • Alternating current generator -Tesla
  • DNA’s double helix spiral form -James Watson
  • The sewing machine -Elias Howe
  • Periodic table -Dmitri Mendeleev                                                                             …and many, many more.

4.Premonition dreams

There are some astounding cases where people actually dreamt about things which happened to them later, in the exact same ways they dreamed about. You could say they got a glimpse of the future, or it might have just been coincidence. The fact remains that this is some seriously interesting and bizarre phenomena. Some of the most famous premonition dreams include:
  • Abraham Lincoln dreamt of His Assassination
  • Many of the victims of 9/11 had dreams warning them about the catastrophe
  • Mark Twain’s dream of his brother’s demise
  • 19 verified precognitive dreams about the Titanic catastrophe

5.Sleep paralysis

Hell is real and it is called sleep paralysis. It’s the stuff of true nightmares. I’ve been a sleep paralysis sufferer as a kid and I can attest to how truly horrible it is.                                                                                                                                   Two characteristics of sleep paralysis are the inability to move (hence paralysis) and a sense of an extremely evil presence in the room with you. It doesn’t feel like a dream, but 100% real. Studies show that during an attack, sleep paralysis sufferers show an overwhelming amygdala activity. The amygdala is responsible for the “fight or flight” instinct and the emotions of fear, terror and anxiety. Enough said!

6.REM sleep disorder

In the state of REM (rapid-eye-movement) stage of your sleep your body is normally paralyzed. In rare cases, however, people act out their dreams. These have resulted in broken arms, legs, broken furniture, and in at least one reported case, a house burnt down.

7.Sexual dreams

The very scientifically-named “nocturnal penile tumescence” is a very well documented phenomena. In laymen’s term it simply means that you get a stiffy while you sleep. Actually, studies indicate that men get up to 20 erections per dream.

8.Unbelievable Sleepwalkers

Sleepwalking is a very rare and potentially dangerous sleep disorder. It is an extreme form of REM sleep disorder, and these people don’t just act out their dreams, but go on real adventures at night.
Lee Hadwin is a nurse by profession, but in his dreams he is an artist. Literally. He “sleep drawss” gorgeous portraits, of which he has no recollection afterwards. Strange sleepwalking “adventures” include:
  • A woman having sex with strangers while sleepwalking
  • A man who drove 22 miles and killed his cousin while sleepwalking (how is this even possible?)
  • A sleepwalker who walked out of the window from the third floor, and barely survived

9.Dream drug

There are actually people who like dreaming and dreams so much that they never want to wake up. They want to continue on dreaming even during the day, so they take an illegal and extremely potent hallucinogenic drug called Dimethyltryptamine. It is actually only an isolated and synthetic form of the chemical our brains produce naturally during dreaming.


The dream-catcher is one of the most well-known Native American symbols. It is a loose web or webs woven around a hoop and decorated with sacred objects meant to protect against nightmares.

11.Increased brain activity

You would associate sleeping with peace and quiet, but actually our brains are more active during sleep than during the day.

12.Creativity and dreams

As we mentioned before, dreams are responsible for inventions, great artworks and are generally just incredibly interesting. They are also “recharging” our creativity. In rare cases of REM disorder, people actually don’t dream at all. These people suffer from significantly decreased creativity and perform badly at tasks requiring creative problem solving.

13.Pets dream too

Our animal companions dream as well. Watch a dog or a cat sleep and you can see that they are moving their paws and making noises like they were chasing something. Go get ’em Buddy!

14.You always dream—you just don’t remember it

Many people claim that they don’t dream at all, but that’s not true: we all dream, but up to 60% of people don’t remember their dreams at all.

15.Blind people dream too

Blind people who were not born blind see images in their dreams but people who were born blind don’t see anything at all. They still dream, and their dreams are just as intense and interesting, but they involve the other senses beside sight.

16.In our dreams we only see faces that we already know

It is proven that in dreams we can only see faces that we have seen in real life before. So beware: that scary-looking old lady next to you on the bus might as well be in your next nightmare.

17.Dreams tend to be negative

Surprisingly, dreams are more often negative than positive. The three most widely reported emotions felt during dreaming are anger, sadness and fear.

18.Multiple dreams per night

You can have up to seven different dreams per night depending on how many REM cycles you have. We only dream during the REM period of sleep, and the average person dreams one to two hours every night.

19.Gender differences

Interestingly, 70% of all the characters in a man’s dream are other men, but women’s dream contain an equal amount of women and men. Also men’s dreams contain a lot more aggression. Both women and men dream about sexual themes equally often.

20.Not everyone dreams in color

As much as 12% of people only dream in black and white.
so i think you recalled  your dreams,and cross checked with these 
then comment fast.........

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Boy: The principal is so dumb! Girl: Do you know who I am? Boy: No... Girl: I am the principal's daughter! Boy: Do you know who I am? Gi...

Do you know who I am

Boy: The principal is so dumb!
Girl: Do you know who I am?
Boy: No...
Girl: I am the principal's daughter!
Boy: Do you know who I am?
Girl: No...
Boy: Good! *walks away*

0 coment�rios:

Cop: "Did you kill this man?" Me: "No, a bullet killed him. Bullets are made of lead, which comes from the ground. The ground...

Natural death

Cop: "Did you kill this man?"
Me: "No, a bullet killed him. Bullets are made of lead, which comes from the ground. The ground is part of nature. He died of natural causes. Case closed."

0 coment�rios:

Teacher: "Anyone who thinks he's stupid may stand up!" *Nobody stands up* Teacher: "I'm sure there are some stupid st...


Teacher: "Anyone who thinks he's stupid may stand up!"
*Nobody stands up*
Teacher: "I'm sure there are some stupid students over here!!"
*Little Johnny stands up*
Teacher: "Oh, Johnny you think you're stupid?"
Little Johnny: "No... i just feel bad that you're standing alone..."

0 coment�rios:

1.The world’s oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9,000 years old!                                                           coyote 2.A coyo...

Funny facts

1.The world’s oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9,000 years old!
2.A coyote can hear a mouse moving underneath a foot of snow.

3.Bolts of lightning can shoot out of an erupting volcano.

4.New York drifts about one inch farther away from London each year.
5.A U.S. dollar bill can be folded approximately 4,000 times in the same place before it will tear.
6.A sneeze travels about 100 miles per hour.
7.Earth has traveled more than 5,000 miles in the past 5 minutes.

8.It would take a sloth one month to travel one mile.
9.10% of the World’s population is left handed.

10.A broken clock is right two times every day.

                                                                        steve jobs
11.According to Amazon, the most highlighted books on Kindle are the Bible, the Steve Jobs biography, and The Hunger Games.
                                                                 bob marley
12.Bob Marley’s last words to his son before he died were “Money can’t buy life.”

13.A mole can dig a tunnel that is 300 feet long in only one night.

14.A hippo’s wide open mouth is big enough to fit a 4 foot tall child in.

15.Chewing gum while you cut an onion will help keep you from crying.

16.If you were to stretch a Slinky out until it’s flat, it would measure 87 feet long.
                                                                       Al Capone
17.Al Capone’s business card said he was a used furniture dealer.

18.There are more collect calls on Father’s day than on any other day of the year.

0 coment�rios:

Teacher: "Kids, what does the chicken give you?" Student: "Meat!" Teacher: "Very good! Now what does the pig give y...

Fat cow

Teacher: "Kids, what does the chicken give you?"
Student: "Meat!"
Teacher: "Very good! Now what does the pig give you?"
Student: "Bacon!"
Teacher: "Great! And what does the fat cow give you?"
Student: "Homework!"

0 coment�rios:

If Messengers were like this everybody would die

Messenger Debacle

If Messengers were like this everybody would die

0 coment�rios:

Speed up Your Android Chrome Browser We all have experienced how Google chrome is very slow and unresponsive in android. We can increase the...

Speed up Your Android Chrome Browser

Speed up Your Android Chrome Browser

We all have experienced how Google chrome is very slow and unresponsive in android. We can increase the speed of google chrome by following steps . chrome and type chrome://flags in address bar

The landing  page will look like this.

2. Scroll down till you see maximum tiles option

3. Change the value from default to 512 and restart chrome. Now chrome and it loads complex websites without freezing.

Other options

Show Autofill predictions – Disabled by default, this flag will insert predicted text into text boxes for you. Not just for password
Enable offline auto-reload mode – Turn this off to prevent tabs from automatically reloading if the previously failed to load. Perhaps you were offline at the time. 
Disable click delay – Chrome waits almost half a second sometimes before acting on your button clicks? Because it delays so that you can trigger a double click action.
Disable the pull-to-refresh effect – Most people were excited to see pull-to-refresh in Chrome, if you were not, simply hit this to turn it off again.

0 coment�rios:

A Lady was conducting her anti drinking campaign outside a bar. A man came out of the Bar exuding alcohol fumes and the Lady said, "Ref...

Practical man

A Lady was conducting her anti drinking campaign outside a bar.

A man came out of the Bar exuding alcohol fumes and the Lady said, "Reflect !!! If you arrive at the Gates of Heaven with your breath smelling of liquor... Do you think the Lord will let you in ???"

"My good woman" passionately holding her hand, said the man, "When I go to Heaven I expect to leave my breath behind."

Moral: Drinkers are practical people. Kindly Support them !!!!

0 coment�rios:

Knock, knock! Who’s there? Opportunity! That is impossible. Opportunity doesn’t come knocking twice!

Knock knock

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


That is impossible. Opportunity doesn’t come knocking twice!

0 coment�rios:

Brian hit rock bottom. He was going to jail for insider trading and it couldn’t get much worse than that. As the jail warden brought Brian t...

White collar crime

Brian hit rock bottom. He was going to jail for insider trading and it couldn’t get much worse than that.
As the jail warden brought Brian to his cell, Brian’s worst fears were materialized. Sitting hunched over on a bed was his soon to be roommate. He was a hunk of a man wearing a sleeveless undershirt, with vicious looking tattoos on each arm.
As Brian approached the prison cell the giant looked up at him and said in a deep booming voice, “hey man, what did you do to get yourself in here?”
“White collar crime" responded Brian nervously.
“Hey man, how about that? Me too,” the giant said.
“Phew,” said Brian feeling his body relaxing, “To be honest I got a bit nervous when I saw you.”
“Nah” responded the giant waving his hand “what’s there to be nervous about?”
“So tell me,” questioned the giant “How many priest’s did
you kill?”

0 coment�rios:

“Sir you have got to help!” said the tearful man at the door. “There is a family that I know very well that is in desperate need of money. T...

Innocent owner

“Sir you have got to help!” said the tearful man at the door. “There is a family that I know very well that is in desperate need of money. The Father has been out of a job for over a year, they have five kids at home with barely a bit of food to eat. The worst part is, that they are about to kicked out of the house and they will be left on the streets without a roof over their heads!” The man concluded with one last heart wrenching sob.
“Well,” said the man at the door, “that really is a sad story. Why don’t you come inside and we’ll talk about it a little more.”
“So how much money is needed exactly?” asked the man when they were both seated.
“Oh it’s really terrible”, said the man starting up again, “why just for the rent $3000 is needed by tomorrow otherwise they’ll be kicked out onto the streets.”
“How do you know so much about this situation?” asked the man as he reached for his check book.
“Well,” said the man breaking down once more “they are my tenants.”

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